Have you sought legal services from a Notary Publico or “Notario Público”? Did the notary fill out immigration forms for you?


  • It’s illegal for a “notary public” or “notario publico” to recommend immigration forms, to fill out those immigration forms, or to give advice about immigration matters or legal matters. Only licensed lawyers can do these things.
  • It’s illegal for a notary publico or “notario público” to charge more than $5.00 for his notary services. Those that are not lawyers cannot charge ANYTHING for immigration services or legal services.

Information about Notario Fraud/Información Sobre Fraude Notarial: Evite el fraude de notarios públicos

COMMUNITY ADVISORY: Notaries Public and Powers of Attorney / Aviso Comunitario: Notarios Públicos y “Poderes de Representación”