Don’t Implement Reforms Based on a Struggling Model

Education policy changes designed to improve early childhood literacy should be modeled after policies employed in states that perform best on early childhood literacy outcomes rather than on Florida’s failing reform efforts.

Keep Academic Standards High for North Carolina’s Children

Senate Bill 812 would create an Academic Standards Review Commission tasked with conducting a comprehensive review of North Carolina’s academic standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics, recommending changes to these standards to the State Board of Education, and recommending assessments aligned to the standards.

Oppose Achievement School Districts

Far from what the name implies, Achievement School Districts would harm schools, hamper teachers’ ability to educate and undermine North Carolina’s constitutional obligation to students.

Invest in North Carolina’s Future

North Carolina is facing a critical moment. Vital public investments — such as our public schools, community colleges, and public safety resources — are at risk, and with them, jobs and our future economic prosperity. Fortunately, our leaders have some effective tools at their disposal. We need a forward-thinking strategy that invests in North Carolina’s families and communities.

Proposed changes to House Bill 2 falls woefully short

In what appears to have been a premature release of a legislative leadership bill hopefully designed to begin the process of eventual repeal of HB 2, the press reported on a draft bill which, among other provisions returns the right of North Carolina citizens to sue for race, sex, ethnic, and religious discrimination as a matter of state law in state courts; moves to adopt, at least in part, a federal definition of the term “sex”; and creates an Anti-Discrimination Task Force to work to remedy the myriad of problems and repair the extensive damage caused by HB 2.