Keeping Secrets? How non-compete agreements for low-wage workers hurt businesses

Employers in low-wage, low-skill industries are increasingly asking their employees to sign non-compete agreements as a condition of their hiring or continued employment—a trend that warps the free market and reduces businesses’ freedom to hire, customers’ freedom to shop, and workers’ freedom to negotiate a higher wage.

How Do We Know Whether Health Reform Proposals Measure Up?

As Congress and the Trump administration debate how to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Americans are hearing a litany of proposals and talking points about how the country should move forward.

How NC Limited Federal Health Care Harm in 2018 Open Enrollment Period

In October 2017, President Trump announced that the administration would immediately stop reimbursing health insurance companies for providing legally required discounts on deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs on Marketplace plans to eligible enrollees.

HB2’s Growing Economic Toll

House Bill 2 is a creeping economic disaster for North Carolina. By shrouding discrimination in the mantle of state authority, HB2 has thrust North Carolina into a global spotlight that grows more unflattering by the day, costing the state millions of dollars in business investment, conference cancellations, and lost tourism. More than 200 business leaders have come out in opposition, as the economic damage continues to mount.