640,000 North Carolinians cannot wait any longer to Expand Medicaid and Close the Coverage gap.


The NC General Assembly has rejected free federal dollars to expand Medicaid for the last five years, repeatedly choosing politics over the health and well-being of North Carolinians.

Since the NC General Assembly first refused expand Medicaid, five rural hospitals have closed their doors and other hospitals have lost critical services such as maternity wards.

Republicans and Democrats came together to finally pass Medicaid expansion this year in Virginia – what’s North Carolina waiting for?

If the NC General Assembly expanded Medicaid, an estimated 6400,000 North Carolinians would become eligible to get the coverage they need. An estimated 300,000 North Carolinians are in what’s called the “coverage gap,” meaning they make too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to receive financial assistance on the Marketplace. The vast majority of people in the coverage gap work in industries that are fundamental to our economy, such as construction workers, fast food employees, and cashiers.