Download our voter issue guides to get the latest facts on important issues and the best questions to ask candidates.

Scroll through the issue areas below and click the link to download our voter issue guides. Each guide will summarize the challenges North Carolina is facing, list up-to-date facts you can use, and present both initial and follow-up questions you can ask candidates at town halls or other forums for conversation.

We want you to be empowered to get the answers you need about the issues that matter to you on Election Day.


View the voter guide

What’s the state of public education in North Carolina, and how can you be an education voter? Get the facts and questions to ask the candidates.


Criminal Justice Debt

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How do criminal justice fines and fees hurt North Carolinians, and how can you be a criminal justice debt voter? Get the facts and ask the candidates.

Workplace Health and Safety

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What policies keep people safe at work, and how can you be a workplace health and safety voter? Get the facts and ask the candidates.

Minimum Wage

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How much money does it take for a family to afford the necessities, and how can you be a minimum wage voter? Get the facts and ask the candidates.

Unemployment Insurance

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How can Unemployment Insurance help families weather economic downturns, and how can you be an Unemployment Insurance voter? Get the facts and ask the candidates.