“Nothing short of full repeal of the bill’s anti-LGBT provisions accomplishes the goal of creating a kinder, wiser, better state”
RALEIGH (June 29, 2016) — House Bill 2 was and remains one of the most damaging, discriminatory and dangerous laws ever passed by the North Carolina legislature. We have only begun to see its full economic impact on this State. Jobs will continue to be lost. Brain drain will continue to occur. Divisiveness among our people will continue to ensue.
Nothing short of full repeal of the bill’s anti-LGBT provisions accomplishes the goal of creating a kinder, wiser, better state. Nor will anything other than that end goal live up to our constitutional and human obligation to pursue equal justice for all. Sadly, this new legislation fixes none of these things.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Rick Glazier, rick@ncjustice.org, 919.856.3193; Julia Hawes, julia@ncjustice.org, 919.963.2406.