Updated April 24, 2020

New analysis of the first three federal pieces of COVID-19 legislation shows that at least $6.5 billion will flow through to North Carolina. While seemingly a substantial amount, the state is still in the beginning stages of the public health and economic crisis that has caused over 400 hospitalizations, more than 200 deaths1, and over 700,000 state unemployment insurance claims so far in North Carolina.2 A great deal more federal funding to state and local governments will be needed in order for North Carolina to meet the demand for increased public services amid the anticipated steep loss of revenue over the coming years.

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The funds identified below do not represent a comprehensive list; instead, they provide an overview of the types of funds flowing through North Carolina either to the state or to other entities within the state. These dollars represent a critical federal commitment to meeting the needs in our communities and should be deployed to maximum and equitable effect.

Note: Funds in graphic are rounded so may not add up to total


  1. NC Department of Health and Human Services. COVID-19 North Carolina Dashboard. Accessed at https://www.ncdhhs.gov/divisions/public-health/covid19/covid-19-nc-case-count
  2. NC Budget & Tax Center. Labor Market in N.C. Accessed at https://www.ncjustice.org/projects/budget-and-tax-center/economy/labor-market-in-n-c/