Raleigh (March 16, 2107) — Today the Senate has laid out its plan for destroying the infrastructure of opportunity across the state by continuing to cut taxes for the wealthy and profitable corporations, regardless of their claims. Their proposal comes just days after they have approved an income tax amendment that would lock in this view for generations, refusing to allow the leaders elected by future generations of North Carolina voters to meet our state’s needs.
Preliminary review of the proposal suggests that the people who will carry the heaviest load for the Senate’s unbending resolve to give tax breaks to the wealthy will be poor, low-income taxpayers and the communities that are struggling because too few dollars are being invested in them. Rural communities that have borne the brunt of the retreat of the state from its responsibilities to support sound, basic education for every child will be hard hit. Taxpayers will see their property taxes and sales taxes increase as a result.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, contact Alexandra F. Sirota, Director of NC Budget & Tax Center, at alexandra@ncjustice.org or (919) 861-1468; or Mel Umbarger, Senior Communications Specialist of NC Budget & Tax Center, atmel@ncjustice.org.